
Improves water quality, enhances growth, reduces harmful gases.


Shrimp Feed Supplement Company in Andhra Pradesh


Natural Zeolite in powder and granule form, with a Cation Exchange Capacity greater than 170 meq/100 grams.

Key Benefits:

  • Maintains pH and reduces organic loads, minimizing detrimental gases.
  • Prevents the formation of black soil.
  • Exhibits superior cation exchange capacity.
  • Promotes stable plankton growth and enhances plankton reproduction.
  • Absorbs H2S gases, ammonia, and other toxic gases.
  • Provides a conducive environment for healthier growth of shrimp/fish on pond bottoms.
  • Helps maintain dissolved oxygen (D.O.) levels.


  • Pond preparation: 75 kilograms per acre.
  • Water treatment: 30 kilograms per acre.
  • Regular usage: 20 kilograms per acre.
  • Alternatively, follow the directions provided by the Aquaculture Consultant.
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