NCYSTIS Aqua Feed Supplement

Controls harmful plankton, improves water quality, boosts shrimp health.


Microcystis Removal Supplement for Aquaculture


Blend of Selected Nutrients with Probiotics.

Key Benefits:

  • Eradicates harmful planktons such as BGA, Microcystis, Oscillatoria, and Dinoflagellates.
  • Improves diatom growth, enhancing pond water quality.
  • Diatoms developed promote immunity and digestive capacity in early stages of shrimp.
  • Manages imbalance in the pond ecosystem.
  • Enhances essential plankton growth, supporting Feed Conversion Ratio (FCR).
  • Prevents frequent algal crashes.
  • Effectively works in a wide range of pH (6.5-9.5) and Salinity (0-50 ppt).

1 kilogram per acre.

Mix the required quantity of N Cystis with sand and apply evenly across the entire pond. Apply during sunny days after 10 a.m. Repeat the process on the 3rd day of application, keeping the aeration ON.

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