Oxy Gold Aqua Feed Supplement

Maintains oxygen, removes toxins, relieves stress, supports degradation.

Oxy Gold

Formulated Salts for Aquaculture


OXY-GOLD contains stable formulated salts customized into TABLETS, serving as a solid source to release active oxygen constantly in the pond.

Key Benefits:

  • OXY-GOLD continuously releases oxygen to maintain dissolved oxygen levels.
  • OXY-GOLD absorbs toxic gases from the pond bottom, creating a healthy environment for the growth of shrimp/fish.
  • OXY-GOLD relieves stress.
  • OXY-GOLD supports the degradation of organic matter at the pond bottom.

Apply 500 grams per acre of water at 4 feet depth. Dosage may vary depending on the biomass, so use as suggested by the Aquaculture Consultant.

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